Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D)
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Using the Nortel Application Switch
Element Manager
The Nortel Application Switch Element Manager (ASEM) provides a
graphical user interface (GUI) for remotely managing a Nortel Application
Switch through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This
document provides an overview of how to use the ASEM.
The following topics are covered in this book:
Setting ASEM Properties
ASEM uses the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to configure
and manage a Nortel Application Switch. The ASEM Properties screen is
used to configure parameters used to communicate with a switch. These
parameters include polling interval, time-out, and retry count. These
parameters are set at any time before or after a device is opened.
To set the properties in the ASEM Properties screen, follow this procedure:
Step Action
From the ASEM menu, select Nortel ASEM > Properties. This
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Properties Screen
Select the properties to change and set their values.
Note: The ASEM Server Notifications area is only available
when a connection to an ASEM Server has been established.
Use the ASEM Server Notifications area to configure ASEM
Server e-mail notifications.
Click Save.
Note: Each switch has individual Polling/Retry Count, Time-out,
and Trace values. The root properties set on this screen
establish default settings.
"Property screen fields" (page 7) outlines the fields present on this
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Setting ASEM Properties
Property screen fields
Polling Fields
Status Interval
The interval at which statistics and status information are
(If Traps, Status
If the Register for Traps check box is selected, then it
specifies the interval in seconds at which statistics and
status information are gathered.
Hotswap Detect
The multiples of polling intervals between hotswap checks.
If checked, ASEM polls the switch according to the settings
listed above the Enable check box.
SNMP Fields
Retry Count
The number of times ASEM retransmits any SNMP message
before reporting a timeout message.
The length of time between each retry of each SNMP waiting
period, from 3 to 30 seconds.
If the retry count is set to 2 and the time-out value to 5
seconds, ASEM reports a timeout (no response from the
switch) after 10 seconds.
If checked, ASEM sends detailed SNMP information to the
Register for Traps If checked, ASEM attempts to register the client’s IP address
to one of the trap hosts’ IP fields.
Listen for Traps
If checked, ASEM listens for traps and attempts to hook to
the trap port 162.
Max Traps in Log The specified number of traps that may exist in the trap log.
The default is 500.
Trap Port
The number of the port on which trap messages are
captured. The default is 162.
General Fields
Listen for Syslogs If checked, ASEM listens for syslogs and attempts to hook
to the syslog port 514.
Confirm row
If checked, ASEM requests for confirmation each time a row
in the application is deleted.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
VRRP Peers on
If checked, the switch synchronizes the SLB, filter, and
VRRP configuration on a peer switch on Apply. To take
effect, peers must be configured on the switches and the
administrator password on the switches must be identical.
ASEM Server Notifications Fields
Enable or disable ASEM Server e-mail notifications.
The e-mail address used to send the notification.
The e-mail address that receives the notification.
Note: This field supports only a single e-mail address. To
send an e-mail notification to multiple addresses, create a
mail list for those addresses.
The e-mail server used to send the notification.
The port used by the e-mail server to receive messages.
The user name used to log into the e-mail server.
The password used to log into the e-mail server.
Opening a Switch
ASEM provides two options for opening a switch for configuration and
management. A switch can either be opened using SNMP versions 1 or 2,
or SNMP version 3. The following sections explain how to open a switch
through either of these methods.
Opening a Switch Using SNMP versions 1 or 2
To open a switch using SNMP versions 1 or 2, follow this procedure:
Step Action
From the menu, select Nortel ASEM > Open. The Open Device
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Opening a Switch
Open Device screen
Open the Open Device screen from the toolbar or by right-clicking on
Identify the device to be opened by typing the Domain Naming
Services (DNS) name or Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device
in the Device Name field.
Type the appropriate community strings in the Read Community
and Write Community fields. The default strings are public and
private respectively. These settings apply to SNMP version 1 or 2
access. For access using SNMP version 3, see "Opening a Switch
Click Open.
Optionally, click Ping to check if the switch is reachable on the
network before attempting to open it.
To connect to the switch through the Telnet protocol, click Telnet.
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Users Guide
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Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
10 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Opening a Switch using SNMPv3
Before opening a switch using SNMP version 3, SNMP version 3 must be
enabled on the switch. Refer Nortel Application Switch Operating System
24.0 Command Reference (NN47220-105) for information on enabling
SNMP version 3.
To open a switch using SNMP version 3, follow this procedure:
Step Action
From the menu, select Nortel ASEM > Open. The Open Device
Open the Open Device screen from the toolbar or by right-clicking on
Identify the device to be opened by typing the Domain Naming
Services (DNS) name or Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device
in the Device Name field.
Click the v3 Enabled check box.
Enter the user name in the User Name field.
If applicable, select the appropriate authentication protocol in the
Authentication Protocol drop-down list. The options in the list
are None, MD5, and SHA-96. If None is selected, no further
configuration is required. Steps 6 to 8 assume that an authentication
protocol was selected.
Enter the authentication password in the Authentication Password
If applicable, select the appropriate privacy protocol in the Privacy
Protocol drop-down list. The options are None and DES.
Enter the privacy password in the Privacy Password field.
Click Open.
Previously Opened Switches
Any switch that was opened during past sessions appear as a folder in the
left-hand tree control navigation pane. This folder is be labeled with the IP
address or DNS name of the switch. Click on the desired folder to initiate a
new connection to the switch.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
Opening a Switch 11
Troubleshooting the Opening of a Switch
Errors can occur during the opening of a switch. If an error occurs, ASEM
displays an error message. This message is illustrated in "Connection Error
Connection Error Message
If this message is displayed, the following items should be checked:
In slower networks, increase the Retry Count and Timeout values on
information on performing this task.
In the Open Device screen, ensure that the correct read and write
community strings have been entered for SNMP version 1 and 2
connections. See "Opening a Switch Using SNMP versions 1 or 2"
(page 8) for more information on performing this task.
In the Open Device screen, ensure that the correct SNMP version 3
information has been entered for SNMP version 3 connections. See
"Opening a Switch using SNMPv3" (page 10) for more information on
performing this task.
Ensure that the switch is physically connected to the network.
Ensure that the switch is turned on and receiving power.
Ensure that the switch has been assigned a correct IP address.
Ensure that the correct IP address is being used in the Open Device
Ensure that the problem does not exist because of an unrelated network
Ensure that SNMP access is enabled on the switch. Refer Nortel
Application Switch Operating System 24.0 Command Reference
(NN47220-105) for information on enabling SNMP access.
Ensure that switch is not blocking access from the client IP address.
Connecting to a ASEM Server
When connecting to a switch through the ASEM, the user also has the
option of connecting to an ASEM Server. To connect to a ASEM Server,
follow this procedure:
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
12 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Step Action
From the Open Device screen, select the Login to ASEM Server
For information on accessing and using this screen, see "Opening
Note: One more check box Remember Password is provided
next to the Login to ASEM Server check box. If selected, the
ASEM stores the ASEM Server password on a per device basis
on the client system. When the dialog is opened again for the
same device, the ASEM Server Password field is updated with
this stored password.
Open Device screen
Enter the IP address or DNS name of the server in the ASEM
Server Address field.
Enter the server user name in the ASEM Server User field. By
default, the user name is root.
Enter the server password in the ASEM Server Password field.
Click Open.
Note: To use the Nortel Intelligent Traffic Management options,
a connection to an ASEM Server must be established.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 13
The ASEM Interface
The ASEM interface consists of two framed windows with menu and tool
bars. The left-hand tree control frame is used to display a list of switches
that were connected to during previous sessions. The right-hand frame
display changes with the different functions performed throughout the
ASEM Interface
The following topics are covered in this section:
ASEM Interface Elements
The following section outlines the common interface elements that make up
the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager. These common elements
are found throughout the application.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
14 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
ASEM Menubar
The ASEM menubar provides the commands used to monitor and configure
main menubar items.
Note: The Configure and Monitor menubar items are explained in
detail in the ASEM help documents.
Main menubar items
The Nortel menu provides commands for:
Opening a switch.
Refreshing the switch view.
Setting polling and SNMP properties.
Setting tree control preferences.
Refreshing switch status.
Switch rediscovery.
Log viewing.
Managing a switch.
Telnetting to a switch.
Import, export, and clearing of preferences.
Closing ASEM.
The Configure menu contains commands for switch
The Monitor menu provides commands for switch performance
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 15
The Wizards menu differs depending on the type of switch being
In Nortel Link Optimizer switches, the Wizards menu opens
the initial configuration wizard. This wizard steps the user
through the initial configuration. This wizard is a one-time action
performed while installing a new switch. This wizard cannot be
used to modify an existing switch configuration.
In Nortel Application Switches the Wizards menu provides
access to the Server Load Balancing Wizard. This wizard can
be used at any time to provide a simplified interface for the
configuration of server load balancing through ASEM. The Link
Load Balancing Wizard is only accessible when the LLB key is
enabled. The Traffic Management Wizard is only accessible
when the ITM key is enabled and the ASEM client is connected
to an ASEM Server.
The Actions menu provides commands for:
Opening the browser-based interface.
Applying switch configuration changes.
Saving switch configuration changes.
The Help menu provides commands for accessing the online
help and support options for the ASEM.
in detail. For a detailed description of the Configure and Monitor menus,
consult the ASEM online help.
Nortel, Actions, and Help menus
Nortel Menu
Opens a screen that enables the user to
connect to a switch. The user can connect
to a switch through this window by entering
the appropriate SNMP information. The
four buttons at the bottom of this window
allows the user to open, ping, or telnet to
the desired switch or close the window
without connecting.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
16 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Open Last
Opens a menu that lists previously opened
switches and allows connection to the
switches based on stored information.
Opens a screen used to change default
polling and SNMP information. The three
buttons at the bottom of this screen allow
you to save the changed information, close
this window, and ask for help.
Tree Preferences
Opens a screen used to choose the Tree
Node Sort Preferences. These preferences
System Name
Device Name
IP Address
System Description
MAC Address
Global preferences for Tree Node settings
can also be set under the Global Default
Tree Node Preferences. The display
options are:
Device Name
System Name
IP Address
MAC Address
For more information see "Tree Preferences
Refresh Status
Refreshes the ASEM screen with the latest
changes. This poles the switch.
Rediscover Device
Closes the switch and reopens it, checking
for configuration changes such as software
Opens the Telnet window for telnet access
to the switch.
Trap Log...
Opens the Trap Log screen for viewing the
switch trap log.
Opens the Syslog screen for viewing the
switch syslog.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 17
Opens the Log screen for viewing the
switch log.
Manage Switch...
Opens the Manage Switch Configuration
Details dialog box. This dialog provides
options to Insert/Modify/Delete jobs that
manage devices by monitoring SNMP
Export Preferences
Opens the Export Preferences screen.
This screen is used to export preferences
to a file for use on another system or for
back up purposes.
Import Preferences
Clear Preferences
Opens the Import Preferences screen.
This screen is used to import previously
exported preferences.
Opens the Clear Preferences screen. This
screen is used to clear all configured user
Closes the ASEM.
Actions Menu
Open Home Page
Opens the switch browser-based interface.
HTTP access must be enabled in the
command line interface to use the BBI.
Open Secure Home
Opens the secure browser-based interface.
HTTPS access must be enabled in the
command line interface to use the secure
This feature is only available in switches
running Nortel Application Switch Operating
System or higher.
Open SSL Page
Opens the browser-based interface for a
Nortel Application Switch 2424-SSL.
This feature is only available on the Nortel
Application Switch 2424-SSL.
Apply Configuration
Applies any changes that have been made
to the switch configuration.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
18 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Schedule Apply/Save
Allows for the scheduling of Apply and
Save operations. A connection must be
established to an ASEM Server before this
menu item is accessible.
Note: Scheduled Apply/Save must also
have the ITM key enabled. Many ITM menu
options displayed on the ASEM Client must
have the ITM key enabled and be logged
onto an ASEM Server. A user could log onto
an ASEM Server for a switch, but if an ITM
key on the switch is not enabled, nothing
Save Configuration
(back up)
Saves the current configuration in backup
memory and saves the active configuration
by overwriting the current configuration.
Save Configuration
(no back up)
Saves the current configuration to the flash
Reverts the switch to the current active
configuration. This is available if the new
configuration settings were not applied.
Revert Apply
Reverts the switch to the current saved
configuration. This is available if the new
configuration settings were applied but not
Reset Switch
Reloads and saves the current RAM
memory. This is similar to cycling the power
of the switch.
This feature is only available to Nortel
Application Switches.
Cold Reset Switch
Reloads and saves the current RAM
memory. This is similar to cycling the
power of the switch. Using this button,
the maintenance kernel option can be
This feature is only available on Nortel 180
or AD Series Web Switches.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 19
Warm Reset Switch
Reloads and saves the current RAM
memory like a regular reset.
This feature is only available on Nortel 180
or AD Series Web Switches.
Diff Config
Diff Flash
Opens a screen to display any pending
configuration changes.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Opens a screen to display any pending
configuration changes and the affected
configuration stored in flash memory on the
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Configuration Dump
Opens a console screen displaying a dump
of the current switch configuration. From
this screen the configuration can be saved
or printed.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Clear SLB All SPs
Clears all SPs non-operational SLB
statistics on the switch, resetting them to
zero. This command does not reset the
switch and does not affect the following
Counters required for Layer 4 and
Layer 7 operation (such as current real
server sessions).
All related SNMP counters.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
20 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Clear Flash Dump
Clears the dump region of the flash
memory. Dump information contains
internal switch data.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Closes the selected switch.
Deletes the switch entry from the ASEM
Tears off the selected window.
Collapse All
Collapses the tree to show only the switch
or application root from the selected tree
Expand All
Expands the tree to show all nodes and
Help Menu
Opens the Nortel Application Switch
Element Manager User’s Guide (this
Online Support
Provides contact to technical support by
connecting to the Nortel Customer Support
Web page.
Defines the color coding of ports in the
ASEM. The port colors are as follows:
Green - Up
Red - Down
Orange - No Link
Cyan - Standby
Blue - Testing
Gray - Unmanageable
Pink - Loopback
About ASEM
Opens a screen that displays information
about the switch devices and minimum
software versions that are supported.
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Users Guide
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Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 21
ASEM Toolbar
Application Switch Element Manager. These toolbar items are available
throughout the application.
Toolbar items
Menu equivalent
Opens a switch. This requires
the address or the domain name
of the switch and the appropriate
authentication information.
Nortel ASEM >
Refreshes the status of the switch Nortel ASEM >
displayed in the ASEM.
Refresh Status
Trap Log
Opens a Telnet session to the
Nortel ASEM >
Opens the trap log.
Nortel ASEM >
Trap Log
Opens the Using ASEM online help
in a web browser window.
Help > Contents
This button is also available in each
ASEM screen for context-sensitive
Provides access to configuration
Configure >
commands for either the switch or Switch
the port.
Configure > Port
Switch: To configure the switch,
click Configure .
Port: To configure single or
multiple ports, select the desired
ports and click Configure .
To select multiple,
non-adjacent ports, hold
the CTRL key while selecting
the desired ports and then click
Configure .
To configure adjacent ports
from the GUI Front Panel
screen, click and drag the
mouse over the desired
elements to select them and
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
22 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
click Configure . The SHIFT
Menu equivalent
key and mouse click can also
be used to select multiple ports
in the tree panel.
Monitors the performance of either Monitor > Switch
the port or the switch.
Monitor > Port
Switch: To monitor the switch,
click Monitor .
Port: To monitor single or multiple
ports, select the desired ports and
click Monitor .
To select multiple,
non-adjacent ports, hold
the CTRL key while selecting
the desired ports and then click
Monitor .
To monitor adjacent ports from
the GUI Front Panel screen,
click and drag the mouse
over the desired elements.
The ports that are inside the
rectangle are selected. Then
click Monitor .
Opens the Browser-Based
Actions > Open
Home Page
Home Page Interface (BBI) of the
switch. To access the BBI,
use the CLI command,
/cfg/sys/access/http e
to configure the switch to allow
HTTP traffic.
Opens the secure home page of
the switch. To access the secure
Actions > Open
Secure Home
Home Page home page, use the CLI menu:
/cfg/sys/access/https to
configure the switch to allow
HTTPS traffic. Refer Nortel
Application Switch Operating
System 24.0 Command Reference
(NN47220-105) for detailed
information on setting up secure
home page access.
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Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 23
Menu equivalent
This feature is only available to
switches using Nortel Application
Switch Operating System
or higher
This button launches the web
Actions > Open
SSL Home Page
SSL Home browser and open the home page
of the SSL accelerator portion
of a Nortel Application Switch
2424-SSL using HTTPS.
This feature is only available to
the Nortel Application Switch
Apply Confi The Apply Configuration
Actions > Apply
operation causes the entire
New Configuration to be copied
to the Current Configuration. This
causes the switch to operate with
the new settings. At this point, the
New and Current configurations
are identical.
Diff Config
Displays the difference between
the Active (Current) Configuration
and the New Configuration
Actions > Diff
This feature is only available to
Nortel Application Switches.
ASEM Screen and Tab Buttons
on ASEM screens and tabs. Not all buttons appear on every screen or tab.
ASEM Screen and Tab Buttons
Button Name
The Set button is used to save None - This button
exists in all pages in the
Menu Equivalent
any changed fields on the
screen or tab to the switch New Configure menu
Configuration. These changes
do not take effect until they are
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
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5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
24 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Button Name
Menu Equivalent
When a data row is selected
and the Modify button is
clicked, the fields of an edit
form are filled with the data of
the selected row.
None - This button exists
in all pages where row
data can be modified
Clicking the Apply button
causes the entire New
Actions > Apply
Configuration to be copied to
the Current Configuration. This
causes the switch to operate
with the new settings. At this
point, the New and Current
Configurations are identical.
Click Refresh to discard
any unsaved changes and
re-retrieves the screen data.
Nortel - Refresh Status
Inserts a new row of data in
None - This button exists
an Edit table. Clicking Insert
on all pages where rows
opens a separate screen data can be inserted
entry screen.
Deletes the currently selected
rows of a table.
None - This button exists
on all pages where rows
can be deleted
Configures a filtered view of
table data. This filter is for
display purposes only and
does not change the switch
None - This button exists
on all pages where table
data can be filtered
Copies data to paste on a
similar section on any other
None - This button exists
on all pages where table
data can be copied
Pastes any copied data. This
is different from a drag and
drop operation.
None - This button exists
on all pages where table
data can be pasted
Restores the original values
since the last modified data
that has not been sent to the
None - This button exists
on all pages where table
data can be modified
Exports the table data into a
text file.
None - This button exists
on all pages containing
table data
Opens the Print dialog so
that the current page can be
None - This button exists
on all pages
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Users Guide
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Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 25
Button Name
Menu Equivalent
Actions > Close
Closes the current screen.
If the screen is docked, the
screen closes and re-opens.
If the screen is undocked, the
screen closes.
In a specific screen or tab, this None - This button exists
button opens context-sensitive on all pages and on the
help in a web browser.
ASEM Tree Control
The tree control displays all the switches opened during previous sessions
in the left-hand frame of the ASEM. The tree hierarchy mimics much of the
menu system, to allow ease of navigation. Each switch node is represented
with a folder icon. Each port is represented with a port icon. A gray dot
indicates a terminal node.
When working with the ASEM tree control, the following actions can be
Click on any of the nodes to open and view its related window.
Right-click on any of the nodes to display a context menu of operations
related to that node.
Tree Preferences Screen The Tree Preferences screen is used to
configure the display of the ASEM tree control. This screen is illustrated in
Tree Preferences screen
The Tree Node Sort Preferences section of this screen is used to set
preferences for the sorting and displaying of items in the ASEM tree control.
The sorting of tree control items can be performed by:
System Name
Device Name
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
26 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
IP Address
System Description
MAC Address
The Global Default Tree Node Preferences section of this screen is used
to set global preferences. The global display of tree nodes can be set by:
Device Name
System Name
IP Address
MAC Address
To change tree node preferences using the Tree Preferences screen,
perform the following task:
Step Action
Open the Tree Preferences screen by selecting Nortel ASEM >
Tree Preferences from the menu.
Select an item in either section and use the up and down arrows to
arrange the desired order.
Click Save Tree Nodes Now to save the new preferences. The
changes take effect the next time ASEM is re-opened.
ASEM Context Menus
Context menus are available by right-clicking on any of the tree control
nodes or screens in ASEM. These context menus provide immediate access
to commands for the switch or ports.
The following context menus are available in the ASEM:
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
NN47220-101 (320512-D) 01.01 Standard
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
The ASEM Interface 27
Application Root Context Menu Right-click the application root of the
tree control to view the available context menu choices for the ASEM
context menu.
Application Root Context Menu
"Application Root Context Menu items" (page 27) The following table
describes the items on this context menu
Application Root Context Menu items
Menu Item
Opens a switch. This requires the address or the domain
name of the switch and the appropriate authentication
Collapse All
Expand All
Collapses the tree to show only the switch or application
root from the selected tree node.
Expands the tree to show all nodes and subnodes.
Switch Root Context Menu Right-click the switch root (the folder showing
the switch IP address or name) to view the available context menu choices.
"Switch Root Context Menu" (page 27) illustrates this context menu.
Switch Root Context Menu
"Switch Root Context Menu items" (page 28) describes the items on this
context menu.
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Users Guide
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28 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Switch Root Context Menu items
Menu Item
Sends an ICMP packet to the selected switch to see if it
is reachable on the network.
Opens a Telnet screen to the selected switch.
Closes the switch and all associated screens.
Deletes the switch entry from the ASEM tree control.
Display Preferences
Edits the tree node display preferences for the selected
Expand All
Recursively expands the tree control to show all nodes
and sub-nodes.
Collapse All
Recursively collapses the tree control to show only the
switch or application root from the selected tree control
Switch Tree Context Menu Right-click on the switch tree node to view
Context Menu" (page 28) illustrates this context menu.
Switch Tree Context Menu
context menu.
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The ASEM Interface 29
Switch Tree Context Menu items
Menu Item
Provides access to configuration commands for
the switch.
Provides access to the monitoring commands
for the switch.
Apply Configuration
Save Configuration (back up)
Applies any changes that have been made to
the switch configuration.
Saves the current configuration in backup
memory and saves the active configuration by
overwriting the current configuration.
Save Configuration (no back
Saves the current configuration to the flash
Reverts the switch to the current active
configuration. This is available if the new
configuration settings were not applied.
Revert Apply
Reverts the switch to the current saved
configuration. This is available if the new
configuration settings were applied but not
Reset Switch
Reloads and saves the current RAM memory.
This is similar to cycling the power of the switch.
This feature is only available to Nortel
Application Switches.
Opens a screen to display any pending
configuration changes.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Diff Flash
Opens a screen to display any pending
configuration changes and the affected
configuration stored in flash memory on the
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
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30 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Menu Item
Configuration Dump
Opens a console screen displaying a dump
of the current switch configuration. From this
screen the configuration can be saved or
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Clear SLB All SPs
Non-Operational Statistics
Clears all SPs non-operational SLB statistics
on the switch, resetting them to zero. This
command does not reset the switch and does
not affect the following counters:
Counters required for Layer 4 and Layer
7 operation (such as current real server
All related SNMP counters.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Clear Flash Dump
Clears the dump region of the flash memory.
Dump information contains internal switch data.
This feature is only available on Nortel
Application Switches.
Port Context Menu The Port Context Menu can be accessed in one of
two ways:
To access the context menu for a single port, right-click the port.
To access the context menu for multiple ports, select the desired ports
and right-click in the selection area.
"Port Context Menu" (page 30) illustrates the Port Context Menu.
Port Context Menu
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The ASEM Interface 31
"Port Context Menu items" (page 31) describes the items on this context
Port Context Menu items
Menu Item
Provides access to the port configuration commands.
Provides access to the port monitoring commands.
Enables the port.
Disables the port.
Screen Context Menu The Screen Context Menu is accessed by
right-clicking on a screen in the right-hand frame of ASEM. "Screen Context
Menu" (page 31) illustrates this context menu.
Screen Context Menu
"Screen Context Menu items" (page 31) describes the items on this context
Screen Context Menu items
Menu Item
Tear Off Panel
Undocks the current screen from the right-hand
Saves any changed fields on the screen or
tab to the switch New Configuration. These
changes do not take effect until they are applied.
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32 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Menu Item
Causes the entire New Configuration to be
copied to the Current Configuration. This
causes the switch to operate with the new
settings. At this point, the New and Current
Configurations are identical.
Discards any unsaved changes and re-retrieves
the screen data.
Filter Table Rows
Opens the Filter Table screen to configure
a filtered view of table data. This filter is for
display purposes only and does not change the
switch configuration.
Copies data to paste on a similar section on
another table.
Pastes any copied data. This is different from a
drag and drop operation.
Reset Changes
Restores the original values since the last
modified data that has not been sent to the
Export Table Data
Print Table
Exports the table data into a text file.
Opens the Print dialog so that the current page
can be printed.
Close and Re-Open
Closes the current screen. If the screen is
docked, the screen closes and re-opens. If the
screen is undocked, the screen closes.
In a specific screen or tab, this button opens
context-sensitive help in a web browser.
Working with Switch Screens
The ASEM screen is divided into two main frames. The left-hand frame
contains the tree control used to manage the switch and switch components
accessed in the application. The right-hand frame contains the screens
through which configuration and management of the switch is performed.
The following sections contain information on accessing the screens in the
right-hand frame of ASEM and interacting with them:
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The ASEM Interface 33
Viewing a Switch Screen
To view a switch screen, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Click on a node in the tree control.
The screen associated with the node item is displayed in the
right-hand frame of ASEM. If applicable, select a tab on this screen.
To provide visual cues about information in ASEM, the following display
conventions are followed on all screens:
Fields with italicized labels indicate values that take effect immediately
after clicking the Set button. These fields do not need to be applied to
update the configuration.
Fields that appear with a white background can be edited.
Fields that appear with a gray background cannot be edited.
Field text appears in bold when data is in the process of being entered
or modified.
Undocking a Switch Screen
Any screen in the right-hand frame can be undocked from the frame. This
feature is useful in instances such as when information must be compared
between two or more switches, when configuration data is being moved
between switch configuration screens or if a particular monitoring screen
must be left open.
To undock a switch screen, perform the following task:
Step Action
Right-click on the screen displayed in the right-hand frame.
From the context menu, select the menu item Tear Off Panel.
example of an undocked screen.
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34 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Undocked Screen
Note: If an undocked screen is left undocked when ASEM is closed, the
screen will be re-open undocked the next time the application is run.
Docking a Switch Screen
An undocked screen can be docked back into the right-hand frame. To
re-dock a panel, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Right-click on the screen displayed in the right-hand frame.
From the context menu, select the menu item Dock Panel.
Closing a Switch Screen
The operation of closing a switch screen is dependent upon the current
state of the screen. In undocked screens, clicking the Close button closes
the screen. In docked screens however, clicking the Close button has the
effect of closing and re-opening the screen; refreshing the contents of the
screen and all tabs.
The Apply, Revert, and Revert-Apply actions can also have the effect of
closing a screen. In undocked screens, executing one of these commands
closes the current screen. In docked screens, executing one of these
commands closes and re-opens it.
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Switch Configuration Tools 35
When an Apply action is performed from one of the ASEM wizards
(Intelligent Traffic Management, Link Load Balancing, or Server Load
Balancing), all screens are closed. The Apply action only pertains to the
current switch.
Switch Configuration Tools
This section provides an overview of the tools provided by ASEM for the
configuration and management of switches. These tools are available on
most screens and tabs in the application.
For information on switch access and ASEM interface elements, consult
the following sections:
The following topics are covered in this section:
Configuration Tools
on all ASEM screens and tabs. These tools, represented as buttons on the
screens and tabs, are used to finalize and save changes made to switch
Configuration Tools
Some fields in editable forms have a browse button associated
with them. Click on a Browse button to configure the field with a
list of pre-defined or known parameters.
The Set button causes any changed field values to be set into
the New Configuration of the switch. These changes do not take
effect until they are applied.
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36 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
The Apply button causes the entire New Configuration to be
copied to the Current Configuration. This causes the switch to
operate with the new settings. At this point, the New and Current
configurations are identical.
Italicized labels indicate variables that take effect immediately.
They do not require an Apply to update the configuration.
The Refresh button causes the screen to retrieve the data from
the switch and update the display. Any changes made that were
not saved with a Set are now gone. Also, any changes made to
the configuration by another user are picked up and displayed.
Working with Tables and Forms
ASEM uses the following types of tables and forms to display data:
Edit Tables and Forms
Poll Tables and Forms
Graph Tables
describes using Edit Tables and Forms. For information on working with Poll
Working with Edit Tables and Forms
ASEM provides several tools for working with data on Edit Tables and
Forms. The following topics provide an overview of these tools.
Copy and Paste Data on Edit Tables and Forms can be manually copied
and pasted between fields. To copy and paste information between data
fields, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
Select the field to be copied by clicking in it.
Copy the data in the source field through one of these methods:
Click Copy at the bottom of the screen.
Right-click the selected field and click Copy item in the context
Paste the data into the destination field through one of these
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Switch Configuration Tools 37
Click Paste at the bottom of the screen.
Right-click the selected field and click Paste item in the context
A single string value can be pasted into multiple rows of the same column
by selecting all of the desired columns before pasting.
Selecting a Group of Fields with the Marquee Selection A group of
fields can be selected using the Marquee selection. Hold down the left
mouse button and drag the mouse across the desired fields. Release the
mouse button when selection is complete. The group of fields can now
be treated as a single unit.
Drop-Down Lists Drop-down lists are available for fields that have a fixed
set of parameters. Fields with drop-down lists display an arrow button when
the field is selected. Click the arrow to display the list of values and select a
value from the list by clicking on it.
Drag and Drop Operations Data can be dragged and dropped between
similar Edit Tables and Forms in ASEM.
In Edit Tables and Forms, perform the following steps to drag and drop data:
Step Action
Open two or more undocked screens.
Click the source screen and drag the mouse to the destination
screen without releasing the left mouse button.
Release the left mouse button in the destination screen.
The data in the destination and source screens will now match. Click Set
and Apply to save the changed data.
In the case of Edit Tables, if there is an unequal number of rows in the
source and destination screens, the destination screen will have rows added
to it. For example, if the source screen has four rows and the destination
screen only three, a new row is added to the destination screen.
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38 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Data can also be dragged out of ASEM into a text application. In this
instance the dragged data is placed into the text application as text.
Insert button New rows are added to Edit Tables through the use of the
Insert button. Clicking Insert opens a separate data entry screen that
contains the same fields as the Edit Table. Enter the data into the screen
and click the Insert button again to add it to the Edit Table.
In the case of Edit Forms, data entry is performed directly on the form.
Browse and Modify Buttons In some data entry screens, the Browse
button opens a selection screen used to choose from a list of pre-configured
parameters. Once a selection has been made, click the Modify button to
make the change active in the data entry screen.
Delete Row Button Delete a row of data by clicking the Delete button.
Select the index numbers of the desired rows and click the Delete button.
Filtering Table Data
When a table contains multiple entries (such as 500 configured filters), a
table filter can be built to define which items are displayed.
To build a table filter, perform the following tasks:
Step Action
Table Filter screen
Select a filtering field from the Column drop-down list. All of the
fields in the table are present in this drop-down list.
Select an operator from the which drop-down list. The operators are:
CONTAINS (Always a string)
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Switch Configuration Tools 39
The operator used depends on the column data and value type.
For example, if the column is an enumeration type that is based
on an enumeration MIB type, entering a number in the value field
compares enumeration numbers instead of string types. If the
value type is a string, it uses the label of the enumeration type for
comparison, instead of the number.
Enter a comparison value into the Value field.
Select AND, OR, or END from the last drop-down list. The AND and
OR operations go in the order of the filter statements from the top to
the bottom of the screen. Build complex filters by stringing together
various statements with AND and OR. Using the END operator
terminates the filter, even if it is not the last filter statement.
Click Add.
Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each filter statement that makes up
the larger filter.
Click Filter.
Select a row in the Display rows where list, make a modification and click
Replace to modify a filter statement in the list.
Click Remove all and Filter to return to the unfiltered table.
Select a row in the Display rows where list and click the Remove button to
remove a filter statement from the list.
Sorting Table Data
Data in an Edit Table can also be sorted by column. Initially, rows are sorted
in order by column. To change the sort order, perform the following steps:
Step Action
Select the column to be sorted on.
Click the column once to sort in ascending order or twice to sort in
descending order.
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40 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
If applicable, select the next column to sort by.
Monitoring Performance
This section provides an overview of performance monitoring. For detailed
information about monitoring commands, refer ASEM online help by
selecting Help > Contents from the ASEM menu.
ASEM displays monitored data in Poll Tables and Forms and Graph Tables.
Monitoring data in Poll Tables and Forms are discussed in the following
Working with Polling Tables and Forms
Monitored data is displayed in Polling Tables and Forms. Data in the fields
are updated and displayed at intervals determined by the Poll Interval
drop-down list present at the bottom of all polling screens. The polling
interval can be adjusted from 2 seconds to 60 minutes.
Exporting Data
Data in a polling table can be exported to a text file in a tabular format.
Select the desired fields, click Export , and specify the location to store the
new file. Data is then be exported to the file.
Printing Data
Click Print to print the contents of the polling table or form.
Working with Graphing Tables
Data displayed in a graph table can be displayed as a graph.
To view data in a graph, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
Select the data to be graphed. For information on data selection,
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Monitoring Performance 41
Selected graphing data
Click the graphing button at the bottom of the screen that represents
the type of graph to create. The graphing options are:
Line Graph
Area Graph
Bar Graph
Pie Graph
Note: The screen graphing buttons are not enabled until data is
A graphing table is displayed based on the data selected and the graph type
a graph table displaying a bar graph.
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42 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Graphing Table - Bar Graph
Note: Graph tables cannot be filtered.
Altering the Graph Display
The Line, Area, and Bar graph types have several sub-types that can
Graph sub-types
Graph Type
Line Graph
Area Graph
Bar Graph
Graph Sub-types
Horizontal, Log Scale
Stacked, Horizontal, Log Scale
Stacked, Horizontal, Log Scale
Pie Graphs have no sub-types.
Customizing the ASEM Display
The appearance of the ASEM application can be customized to suit user
preferences. Changes does not effect the functioning of the switch, only
the appearance of the application.
Altering the appearance of the application involves changing specific
.properties files located in the properties sub-folder of the ASEM
installation directory. These files can be altered with a simple text editor.
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Customizing the ASEM Display 43
The following sections describe the elements of the ASEM that can be
Altering the appearance of the ASEM involves altering
.properties files located in the properties sub-folder of the
application installation. Nortel recommends that copies of the
original .properties files be saved in a separate folder before
altering them. These original files can be restored by replacing the
altered the files in the properties directory.
Modifying Label Appearance
The file lists the correspondence between MIB
variables and the label used to describe that value in the application. To
change the label used, perform this procedure:
Step Action
Open the file in a text editor. For Nortel
180 and AD Series switches, the file is located in <ASEM
installation directory>/properties/Tigon. For Nortel
Application Switches, the file is located in <ASEM installation
All entries in the file are listed in the following format:
MIB Variable=Description
Change the Description portion to reflect the new label to be used
in the application.
Note: Changing the MIB Variable portion causes the application
to use the system default value for the label.
Save the changes made to the file. These changes are displayed
the next time the application is started.
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44 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Modifying the list of well-known ports
The file contains a list of ports known to be used
by various protocols. This is used in the ASEM application where a list of
such ports is useful. This list can be edited in a simple text editor to add or
delete ports. For a list of well-known ports, refer Nortel Application Switch
Operating System 24.0 Command Reference (NN47220-105).
To modify the file, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
Open the file in a text editor. This file is
located in <ASEM installation directory>/properties.
All entries in the file are listed in the following format:
Edit the file as appropriate using the format listed above.
Note: Editing the file can have an adverse
affect on the application. Ensure all changes to this file are
intended before saving them.
Save the changes made to the file. These changes are displayed
the next time the application is started.
Modifying or adding Well-known Protocols
The file lists well-known protocols. This is used
in the ASEM application where a list of such protocols is useful. This list can
be edited in a simple text editor to add or delete protocols.
To modify the file, perform the following
Step Action
Open the file in a text editor. This file is
located in <ASEM installation directory>/properties.
All entries in the file are listed in the following format:
Protocol=Index Value
Edit the file as appropriate using the format listed above.
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Customizing the ASEM Display 45
Note: Editing the file can have an
adverse affect on the application. Ensure all changes to this file
are intended before saving them.
Save the changes made to the file. These changes are displayed
the next time the application is started.
Altering the Default Browser
By default, ASEM uses Netscape as a web browser. This default can be
changed to reflect personal preference or system configuration.
To change the default browser, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
Open the file in a text editor. This file is
located in <ASEM installation directory>/properties.
Locate the line in the file that reads: #BrowserApp=netscape.
This is located near the bottom of the file.
Remove the number sign and replace netscape with the web
browser to use. If the web browser is present in the system path,
enter the name of the application. If it is not, enter the fully justified
path to the application.
Save the change made to the file. This change takes effect the next
time the application is started.
Localization of ASEM
The ASEM display can be localized to work better with a non-English
Note: This procedure requires the use of an external application,
native2ascii.exe, that is part of the Sun Java Development Kit.
The Sun JDK is freely available and can be downloaded from the Sun
Java web site.
To localize the task, perform the following procedure:
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46 Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Step Action
Create a copy of the file. Re-name this file to
alias_ <temporary name> .properties where <temporary
name> is a temporary placeholder used to save the file under a
different name.
Open the copy of the file created in the
previous step in a text editor.
Change the labels in this file to the new language equivalents.
Save the file in UTF8 format.
Run the native2ascii application from the operating system
command line using the following format:
native2ascii <input file name> <output file name>
In this instance, substitute <input file name> above with the
name of the file created in step 1. Specify a different file name for
the <output file name>. This file contains the localized file.
Re-name the output file from step 5 to and
replace the existing file. It is advisable to
create a back up of the existing file before replacing it.
Changing the MIB Default Values
The file contains default values for MIB
variables used throughout the ASEM application. This file can be edited by
a simple text editor.
To change the MIB default values, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
Open the file in a text editor. For
Nortel 180 and AD Series switches, the file is located in <ASEM
installation directory>/properties/Tigon. For Nortel
Application Switches, the file is located in <ASEM installation
All entries in the file are listed in the following format:
MIB Variable=Value
Edit the file as appropriate using the format listed above.
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Customizing the ASEM Display 47
Save the changes made to the file. These changes are displayed
the next time the application is started.
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Index 49
wizard 15
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50 Index
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Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks
All Rights Reserved.
Publication: NN47220-101 (320512-D)
Document status: Standard
Document version: 01.01
Document date: 28 January 2008
Sourced in Canada, India and the United States America
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make change in design
or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing warrant.
*Nortel, Nortel Networks, the Nortel logo and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Trademarks are acknowledged with an asterisk (*) at their first appearance in the document.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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